Term Dates and Fees
Autumn/Winter 2023/ 24- Term Dates
Our Autumn/Winter term starts on the 4th Sep and goes until the 29th Jan 2024. It has 18 weeks, excluding bank holidays and school holidays.

Spring/Summer 2024 - Term Dates
Our Spring/Summer term starts on the 29th Jan and goes until the 23rd June 2024. It has 18 weeks, excluding bank holidays and school holidays.

Autumn/Winter 2023/24 - Fees
The fees for our Autumn/Winter term:
30 Min Lessons | €540 | 30€/lesson
45 Min Lessons | €720 | 40€/lesson
60 Min Lessons | €900 | 50€/lesson
All the prices are for individual lessons.
All students are asked to enrol on a term basis, for weekly lessons.
Fees must be paid in advance of the first lesson.
It's possible to sign up any time during the year if there are slots available and the tuition will be adjusted accordingly.
There is a 10% discount for online lessons.
Autumn/Winter 2023/24 - Holiday Information
​The school will be closed on the following dates: (all dates are inclusive):*
Mid-term Break: 30th Oct - 5th Nov
Christmas Holidays: 25th Dec - 7th Jan (2 weeks)
*Note: Lessons on Saturday/Sunday also won't take place during the bank holiday weekends.
Spring/Summer 2024 - Fees
The fees for our Spring/Summer term, depending on the day of the week (taking into account bank holidays):
30 Min Lessons | €420 - €540** | 30€/lesson
45 Min Lessons | €560 - €720** | 40€/lesson
60 Min Lessons | €700 - €900** | 50€/lesson
All the prices are for individual lessons.
All students are asked to enrol on a term basis, for weekly lessons.
Fees must be paid in advance of the first lesson.
It's possible to sign up any time during the year if there are slots available and the tuition will be adjusted accordingly.
There is a 10% discount for online lessons.
Spring/Summer 2024 - Holiday Information
​The school will be closed on the following dates: (all dates are inclusive):*
Bank Holiday: St Brigid's day, Monday, 5th February
February Mid-Term Break: Monday, 12th Feb - Sun 18th Feb
Bank Holiday: St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday, 17th March
Easter Holidays: Monday, 25th March - Sunday, 7th April
Bank Holiday: Monday, 6st May
Bank Holiday: Monday, 3rd June
*Note: Lessons on Saturday/Sunday also won't take place during the bank holiday weekends.
**Note: Monday and Saturday students get 15 weeks, Sun students get 14 weeks in Term 2 due to the bank holidays; the fees will be adjusted accordingly.
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